Rochester Diary : 14 @ Day Care Center: a profession of Pampering
Rochester Diary : 14
Day Care Center: a profession of Pampering
Today I visited a day care center in Rochester.
Here i met with lovely children. So it was nice time. Actually day care center is a place where parents keep their children for proper pampering.
Because almost families are nuclear and working in us. Therefore, they have no ample time for kids. Generally 6 month to 5 year old is determined for this institution. Children live here from 6 am to 6 pm.
During this time they do every thing like their home. Eating, sleeping and playing are very common. They also learn here speaking and good behavior. I was glad to see that female instructor’s were busy in their job.
But in lieuof all services you have to pay about 2 thousand dollar in a month. It may be different in another cities.
According to information such type of institution appeared in France about 1840 and it was recognized by the French government in 1869. Nowadays this is very popular institution in us and European countries.
IN other words, infant care and pre school institution is invention of necessity. In brief , i would like to say if love and affection isn’t affected during day care center, then all is well.
-लेखक आशुतोष पाण्डेय अमर उजाला वाराणसी के सीनियर पत्रकार रहे हैं, इस समय वह अमेरिका घूम रहे हैं,उनके संग आप भी करिए दुनिया की सैर