VARANASI : Prof. Anil Kumar Tripathi, School of Biotechnology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, has been appointed the Director of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali. His appointment has been made for five year tenure. Prof. Tripathi is a senior professor in the School of Biotechnology, Institute of Science, and has a teaching and research experience for nearly 40 years. He has been teaching in BHU since 1990 and has also served as a professor in the DDU Gorakhpur University from 2002-2004. Prof. Tripathi was also the Director of the Institute of Science, BHU, from February 2019 to January 2024. He has been contributing significantly in various administrative as well as academic capacities in the university, besides leading several research projects. He has supervised 22 Ph.D. theses and is a recipient of numerous prestigious fellowships and awards. These include J C Bose National Fellowship, Dr Rajendra Prasad Oration Award, CSIR Technology Award in Life Science, UGC Career Award in Biotechnology, ISCA Young Scientist Award by Indian Science Congress, Bangalore, among others. He is also the Fellow of the leading Science Academies of the country including Indian Academy of Science (IASc), Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy (INSA), National Academy of Sciences India (NASI), Allahabad, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS). Prof. Tripathi has a number of publications in leading national and international research journals, to his credit. His areas of expertise are Bacterial Genetics, Functional Genomics, Systems biology and Synthetic Biology. He has also served as the Director of the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP) from February 2014 to January 2019. The university fraternity has congratulated Prof. Tripathi on his appointment as Director of IISER Mohali.
Profile of Prof. Tripathi:
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