BHU – Industry interaction on Gem Testing

BHU – Industry interaction on Gem Testing
Under the SATHI schemesanctioned by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government ofIndia, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Varanasi is set to establish astate-of-the-art gemstone testing and research laboratory. On April 27th at 3.30pm, an interaction was held between industry representatives associated withquality testing and the trade of gemstones and gemmology experts such as Mr.J.N.Das, former Director General of the Geological Survey of India, Prof.N.V.Chalapathi Rao from the Department of Geology at Banaras Hindu University,and Mr. Neeraj Pandey, a former higher official at the Bureau of IndianStandards (BIS). Faculty members from the departments of Geology and Chemistrywere also present, along with Mr. Rajesh Bhatia, President of the IndianIndustry Association. About 20 top gemstone traders from Varanasi attended theIndustry Meet. The session was very interactive and industry representativesprovided important suggestions that will be incorporated in the purchase ofequipment for setting up the laboratory. Prof Anil K Tripathi, Coordinator of SATHI-BHUand Director of the Institute of Science at BHU, stated that this is the firsttime a laboratory of this kind is being established in this part of thecountry. The laboratory will be housed in the Central Discovery Centre (CDC) ofBHU. A team consisting of professors specialized in relevant fields such asMineralogy and X-ray spectroscopy from the Departments of Geology, Chemistry,and Physics at the Institute of Science and MMV at BHU, as well as an externalexpert who was previously Head of the Gem testing laboratory at the GeologicalSurvey of India, will monitor and ensure the functioning of the Gem testinglaboratory. The proposed gemtesting facility will be equipped with several state-of-the-art sophisticatedinstruments, including an FTIR (Fourier transformation infra-red spectroscope),Laser Raman spectroscopy, ED-XRF (Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescencespectrometer), Table top XRD (X-ray diffractometer), UV-VIS-NIR (Ultra violet,visible and near infra-red) Spectrometer, binocular and polarizing microscope,and a laser cutter. These instruments will be used to identify various aspectsof gemstones such as structure, chemistry, color, and inclusions. The facilitywill be established with an investment of Rs 3.75 crores.