Vice-Chancellor interacts with faculty members of six departments in Institute of Science

• Construction of new buildings and renovation of existing ones underway for addressing the challenge of space: Prof. Jain
Varanasi: Vice-Chancellor Prof. Sudhir Kumar Jain has said that the Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, is doing an exemplary job despite the challenges in terms of resources. He was interacting with the faculty members of Departments of Geophysics, Geology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics and Geography of the Institute. During the four and a half hour long interaction the Vice-chancellor sought to know about the difficulties faced by teachers in the course of teaching, research and other administrative works and the suggestions in resolving such issues. He said that the Institute is setting an example as a model institute in many ways. The vice-chancellor assured that the university is constantly working on resolution of difficulties that obstruct the smooth teaching and research. He underlined the need to make greater efforts for creating and making available new opportunities for students. Responding to the issue of lack of space raised by several faculty members, the Vice-Chancellor informed that approvals have been granted for construction of new buildings and renovation and extension of the existing ones, and once these projects are complete, the challenge of space for classrooms and laboratories shall be addressed to a large extent. He also exhorted members of the BHU fraternity to be more responsible and judicious while using resources.
On the issue of scarcity of funds for academic and extra-curricular activities, Prof. Jain said that the annual funding of the departments has been increased and additional funds will be allocated as the need arise. He said that funds will never be an issue for ensuring quality teaching and research. The Vice-Chancellor said that Institute of Science has a number of outstanding researchers and scientists and the process of nominating them for renowned awards and fellowships has been revamped to ensure that the deserving get due acknowledgement. Prof. Jain said that a well-planned academic calendar, examinations as per the schedule and timely declaration of results are the areas which are directly linked to the interest of students, hence, we should be open to deliberations and discussions towards reformative measures.
Prof. Anil K Tripathi, Director, Institute of Science, briefed about the achievements and milestones of the Institute and its faculty members. He said that the Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics departments were established at the time when Banaras Hindu University came into existence in 1916 and have a glorious legacy. He informed that the faculty members and scientists of the institute have made the university and the country proud globally.
Prof. Madhoolika Agrawal, Dean, Faculty of Science, expressed gratitude on behalf of the faculty members for giving more freedom to the institute in the academic and several other matters, which as a result allows them to work more effectively in the interest of students.
A large number of faculty members were present during the interaction who gave valuable inputs in taking the institute and the university forward.