If you have Low Blood pressure, eat a little more salt, know the truth of this knowledge from the Dr. Atul Kakkar
If you have Low Blood pressure, eat a little more salt, know the truth of this knowledge from the Dr. Atul Kakkar
Low blood pressure’ is a common problem. But, we do not take it seriously. Like high blood pressure, it also has many risks associated with it. If your blood pressure is low then you may face many problems. You may feel dizzy. You may faint. You may feel nauseous. Eyesight can be blurred. You can be irritable. You will not be able to focus on your work. You will feel more tired. all such There are problems that you may face due to low blood pressure. But, despite so many problems, it is not taken seriously in our society. Everyone becomes a doctor and advises to increase some salt in the food, drink coffee and eat dark chocolate.
Advice of Dr. Atul Kakkar, Co-Chairman, Department of Medicine, Sir Gangaram, the country’s top hospital, on this issue. Dr. Kakkar explains that low blood pressure is a common disease. Also, its symptoms are also very common. The reason for this is also very common. Many times the problem of low blood pressure comes due to lack of blood and heart disease.
Blood pressure should be less than 130 and 90 As we all know that the range of blood pressure should be 120/80. But let me correct you a little here. Our blood pressure should be less than 130/90. The range of blood pressure increases slightly with age.
Low blood pressure when? Dr. Kakkar clarifies that there can be many reasons for falling blood pressure. There are some quick reasons for this. Like a person has diarrhea or a sudden shock. Due to this, the blood pressure which is reduced is quick. It becomes normal again in a few days, but due to lack of blood or any heart related problem, you must consult a doctor if the BP is low. As far as the range of low blood pressure is concerned,
We keep 90/60 in the category of low blood pressure. If you have this much blood pressure, you can be considered a patient and you may definitely need to go to the doctor. If the blood pressure goes below this, your vital organs can be affected. The supply of oxygen in the body can be affected.