Micro-organisms have played significant role in human evolution- Professor Dr. Chandima Saha

Varanasi। The 23rd Prof. SP Ray Chaudhary Memorial Lecture BHU’s SS Joshi Hall was held today in which Dr. Chandima Saha have given a lecture at the host-pathogen interaction. She is the prestigious JC Bose Chair Professor at IICB Kolkata. She told that our body is a battleground, in which our immune system continues to fight various types of diseases driven by micro -organisms. These micro -organisms keep coming in new forms (variants) time to time. The humans evolved fighting with these micro -organisms which is host-pathogen interaction. In this interaction Human B cells work to destroy these micro -organisms after entering them in the body, but sometimes these micro -organisms cause the disease by dodging these cells.
She further explained that infected cells are removed from the body by the apoptosis inducing factor Pathway after the infection, but the micro -organisms prevent their deaths through Trojan Horse Mechanism. Therefore, it is very important to understand this process for designing an effective treatment. At the end, the Director of Institute of science praised the work of professor Saha.
At the beginning of the programme Prof. Rajiv Raman told about Prof. SP Ray Chaudhary. He said that at the time of establishment of the Department of Zoology, he provided a new height to both research and education, due to which this department is among the top zoology departments in the country. Thereafter, Professor Madhu Ji Tapadia read the academic achievements of Dr. Chandima Shaha.
The meeting was conducted by Dr. Richa Arya. On this occasion, the head of various departments, Professor Anil Tripathi, director of the Faculty of Science, and students of the Faculty of Science were present.