VARANASI: Vice-Chancellor Prof. Sudhir Kumar Jain has said that Banaras Hindu University is striving to offer a vibrant, enriching and smooth campus life to its students and a number of initiatives have been taken in this regard over the past one and a half year. Interacting with the Directors of Institutes, Deans of Faculties, Wardens of hostels and senior functionaries of the university, the Vice-Chancellor said that though these initiatives have already started showing positive outcomes, there is still a lot that needs to be done. The nearly three hour interaction at the Senate Hall of Swatantrata Bhawan, saw a diverse exchange of ideas and suggestions in order to improve student amenities and infrastructure in the university. Prof. Jain said that continuous communication and interaction between students and their teachers, be it in the form of hostel inmates and wardens, trainees and their coaches, or researchers and supervisors, holds the key to a cordial, positive and growth oriented atmosphere in the university. The vice-chancellor took note of long needed repairs and maintenance in some of the hostels and assured that the university administration is addressing all these requests with utmost priority and urgency. He said that funds are not an issue when it comes to improving and further developing student facilities. He informed that per student fund allocation in hostels has been significantly increased so as to enable hostel authorities to conduct more developmental activities. Underlining the need to maintain discipline on the campus, the vice-chancellor urged hostel wardens to be vigilant towards violations and make sure that the cordiality across campus isn’t disturbed. Prof. Jain suggested that while as teachers we must provide all the care and guidance to students, we must also take charge of the situation in performing our duties keeping the best interest of students in mind. The vice-chancellor suggested that wardens should meet on a regular basis at Faculty and university level so that any issues being faced by students or in the administration of the hostels are addressed promptly. He exhorted the key functionaries of Institutes, Faculties and Hostels to encourage student participation in sports and physical activities and lead a healthy and fit lifestyle.
Registrar Prof. Arun Kumar Singh underlined the need of wardens to be in communication with all the students. Any lack or absence of communication will lead to issues and challenges which may otherwise be addressed easily through dialogue, said the Registrar.
Finance Officer, Dr. Abhay Kumar Thakur said there has been a paradigm shift in the campus life over the past seventeen months, which is visible and is being felt by one and all. He said that as an institution we must focus on our strengths and work on further getting stronger, which will as a result enhance BHU’s national and global glory.
Prof. S. V. S. Raju, Vice-President, University Sports briefed about various activities on the sports and athletics front in the university. He said that the university under the leadership of Vice-Chancellor Prof. Sudhir Kumar Jain is actively moving forward to develop a sporting ecosystem. He informed that the rapidly growing number of participants in sporting activities is a testimony of university’s beefed up steps in this regard.
Dean of Students, Prof. Anupam Kumar Nema, coordinated the interaction. He said that for the first time per student fund allocation in hostels has witnessed such a sharp rise which is nearly ten times, aimed at growth and development of students. He added that it is because of the vision and leadership of Prof. Sudhir Kumar Jain that BHU has come up with several unprecedented student oriented initiatives. He shared several new measures being taken in hostels to improve the stay of students and quality of facilities.

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